Clinicians regularly need to remember eight or more application passwords. Security best practices require these passwords be unique, strong, and frequently changed. Without single sign-on (SSO), it's no wonder clinicians write passwords down, stick them to the monitor, or just forget them.
Imprivata Mobile Device Access is healthcare's only mobile authentication solution that enables fast, secure access to clinical mobile devices and applications. Users can access shared clinical mobile devices with the simple tap of a proximity badge and can then SSO to their applications.
With an SSO workflow to shared mobile devices, hospitals can unlock the full potential of mobile devices by ensuring a fast, efficient workflow for clinicians, while maintaining and improving security and auditability.
Ascom Myco 3 and Myco 4 runs Imprivata Mobile Device Access and allows authenticating to any compatible mobile application with just the tap of a badge.
Imprivata single sign-on (SSO) enables care providers to spend less time with technology and more time with patients. By eliminating the need to repeatedly type usernames and passwords, Imprivata OneSign allows providers to quickly and securely access clinical and administrative applications.
Ascom has a unique deck of mobile applications supporting ad-hoc and mission critical workflows in the hospital. Ascom Unite and Digistat mobile workflows are now integrated with Imprivata SSO, potentially saving clinicians valuable time while complying with security best practices.