Individual alarms at Wohlbehagen GmbH & Co. KG. In Lukaspark nursing home

The outdated communication system of the Wohlbehagen GmbH & Co. KG. In Lukaspark nursing home was replaced with a new, future-proof system providing an option to document care digitally. This new concept makes it possible for caregivers to create their own individual alarm groups at any time, as well as to document care in the resident’s room using their smartphones. 

Wohlbehagen GmbH & Co. KG was established in 1992 with its four care facilities is an integral part of the Hagen region.

In Lukaspark was opened in 2007 and offers 119 residents a lively home in the middle of the district. Wohlbehagen GmbH & Co. KG is known as a family business, providing a high level of care for residents. It also aims to deliver a high level of employee satisfaction, an important factor when introducing new technology.

The Ascom solution

Ascom developed a new solution based around the Ascom Myco smartphone, nurse call system and advanced software.

When an alarm is raised, a message is sent directly to the responsible caregiver's Myco smartphone, displaying the priority and type of alarm. If they cannot accept the alarm or are not available, the message is automatically forwarded to an alternative person. Previously, if a resident triggered an event, all nursing staff on the ward were informed about it. This quickly led to unnecessary walking and alarm fatigue.

Since installation, there has been an average reduction of 60% the number of alarms per member of staff. The solution also enables caregivers to update medical records directly in the resident's room, saving unnecessary trips back to the office and preventing incorrect transfer of the values and services previously recorded manually.

Overall, the efficiency and productivity of the facility has been improved, allowing caregivers to spend more time with residents who need it most and minimizing disturbance to others.

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