In March, Ascom UK's Ed Tickler and Fiona Kirk will be attending the Scottish Intensive Care Society's annual meeting at the Fairmont hotel in St Andrews.
Ascom UK will be exhibiting at the Scottish Intensive Care Society (SICS) Annual Scientific Meeting (2 & 3 March 23), with Ed Tickler, Senior Account Manager, and Fiona Kirk, Clinical Consultant, in attendance.
They’ll explain how the solutions that make up Ascom's Healthcare Platform are helping to transform critical care communication and collaboration across hospitals in Scotland and beyond.
Ascom’s solutions will enable intensive care staff across Wales’ 14 standard adult critical care units to manage electronically many aspects of care. Previously, just three of Wales’ units used electronic systems from other suppliers, while the remainder used paper records. The new system will transform care digitally and give staff a single source of truth for patient information.
This is just one example of how Ascom’s technology assists critical care in hospitals.
To find out more about SICS 23 and to book your place, visit the website.